We offer you a program that provides you with the opportunity to produce tea, herbs and spices with your own brand and with your desired design.

How will our experience benefit you?

Target group definition

According to the product itself, its qualities and who would want to try it. We will help you choose your target audience very carefully so that you find your place in the market.

Developing a comprehensive strategy

For building and enforcing the brand. Together with you, we will clearly define the overall concept regarding the production of the project. We will take care of every step from developing recipes according to the requirements and target group to manufacturing the products.

What are the advantages?

You don't need to invest in expensive
packaging and cellophane wrapping machines, storage areas and premises, large
quantities of raw materials and materials.

How long does it take to complete a project?


Formulation development

Depending on the number of products, it takes from 5 to 10 days.

Depending on the number of products, it takes from 5 to 10 days.


Tasting and evaluating the final recipes

Depending on the number of recipes – from 1 to 3 days

Depending on the number of recipes – from 1 to 3 days


Design development and approval

Depending on the number of products – it takes from 2 to
10 days

Depending on the number of products – it takes from 2 to
10 days


Printing the sachets and boxes

Approximately 10 days – depending on the workload of the printing houses

Approximately 10 days – depending on the workload of the printing houses


Production of products

Depending on the product type and quantities, the minimum production time is 5 working days.

Depending on the product type and quantities, the minimum production time is 5 working days.

Minimum production quantities

Tea production and packaging

  • loose tea – 500 packs of each type
  • tea in a filter bag – 20,000 sachets (1,000 boxes of 20 sachets)

Production and packaging of mono herbs

  • 300 packs of a kind

Production and packaging of herbal extracts

  • 6000 ml. extract of the species

Production and packaging of herbal flours/superfoods

  • 500 packs of a type

Production and packaging of essential oils for flavoring food and beverages

100 ml of type.

Production and packaging of flavored culinary oils/cold-pressed oils

5000 ml of type.

Успешни истории

Създадени в България от млади и амбициозни хора!Всички продукти са първокласни и многократно тествани от WOW момичетата в цяла Европа.


Ula Tea са натурални чайове за поддържане на фигурата и за детоксикация на организма.Съставките са комбинирани така,че взаимно се допълват за по-ефикасно действие без нежелани странични ефекти.


NutriMight предлагат висок клас натурални хранителни добавки и чайове,създадени с продукти от природата със специално подбрани натурални съставки и формули.


Magchachà е вълшебен зелен чай на прах, за който всички говорят!Висококачствен чай матча,отгледан,обработен и приготвен според най-добрите японски традиции и чаени ритуали.


Вдъхновени от многобройните клинични изследвания за ползите на шафрана върху здравето, група млади хора се заемат с тежката задача да разработят уникална концепция за колекция от изцяло натурални чаени смеси със шафран.


Types of Packaging